Sick of the Usual OUTRAGEOUS Claims?
How About Something REAL that Makes Real Money?
Stay at Home Dad Banks $25+ For Five Minutes of Work with
No Techy Stuff, No Website AND NO LIST!
100% Newbie Friendly
Never Again Worry about Lists
Discover the Ultimate Way to FINALLY Succeed Online
Just a Few Minutes “Work”
Nothing ‘Techy’
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur
It’s entirely possible that you have heard of me already. My name is Eric Hammer and over the past year or so, I’ve been able to build a lifestyle business online. I have dominated leaderboards in the make money online niche and become a trusted name in the industry.
The thing is, I found that I was spending a fortune to make it happen.
Why? One word: Graphics. You see, I SUCK at making graphics. The kind of graphics I was able to make would make a third grader laugh at me!
But paying thousands every time I needed a new logo made or a mockup was killing me!
I knew I needed to do something. So, I decided while I can’t figure out how to create, I do know how to customize.
The difference is really quite simple: like most people, I can cut and paste. I can type words into a design. But make me create something from scratch and it looks like crap!
So, I hired professionals to create templates that I could customize.
Now, all I need to do is make a few tweaks and voila! I’ve got graphics that look awesome! And I do it in five minutes flat!
Plus, I’m now able to use these templates to make money from other people who need them! I’ve also found a dozen unsaturated websites to sell my stuff on and I’m now banking big!
Let me help you to FINALLY succeed where others have failed you. I know there are lots of graphics packages like this. But NOBODY ELSE will show you where to sell your services and how to do it profitably and easily, even if you’re a know nothing noob!
Get started now and you could see results in as little as 24 hours!

I’m Going to Give You TWELVE SECRET UNDERGROUND marketplaces to Sell On without massive competition. Plus My Extensive Video Training Course in Which I Reveal Every Step of This Easy & Profitable Business! And You Won’t Believe How EASY IT Is!
Oh, just so you understand, graphics are super hot right now! Everyone needs them and you can make serious coin creating them, mostly because other people think it’s TOO HARD!
Listen to What John Thornhill Has to Say…
Eric continues to amaze me with the value he provides on every one of his products. Graphics Supremacy is particularly valuable because he has gone so far beyond the typical graphics package launch. Instead of just providing assets, Eric shows you how to edit them with free software and even shows you where to sell them so that you won’t end up in a race to the bottom on a saturated platform.


I Finally Discovered What Made Money
And It’s So Easy…Anyone Can Do This!

I Want to Make This So Easy for You, Even Your Technophone Grandma Can Do It
When I finally realized how easy it could be to customize ready made graphics materials, I wanted to make it a no brainer for you.
So I commissioned a professional graphic artist to create 25 ready made eBook templates and 100 ready made logo templates for you! These are so easy to use, even your grandma could make it work!
Step by Step Over My Shoulder Instructions to Customize them In Five Minutes Flat!
Nothing is left to chance inside the member’s area! I will literally demonstrate just how easy it is to customize these templates using nothing but free software which is available online.
Just follow my training and you could be making money by this time tomorrow!
And to Make This Even Sweeter, I Have Included A Dozen Underground Sites to Sell On!
Look, lots of people put out materials like this. We see graphics packages all the time. But the trouble is, most of them just give you the graphics without any idea of how to customize them.
I’ve covered that, showing how I do it in FIVE MINUTES FLAT WITH FREE SOFTWARE; but I wanted to go even further!
I wanted to include information on where to sell. That’s why I’ve done the research and will show you a dozen underground websites with traffic where you can sell these for big profits without worrying about saturation!

Yes! You even get a DONE FOR YOU website, included in this incredibly low, ONE OFF PRICE!
This is the EXACT same website that I use myself in my own business! You see I’m leaving absolutely nothing to chance here!
And with your 25 Ready to Customize eBook covers and 100 Ready to Customize logo templates, it’s super easy to see real results fast!
Here Are Just a FEW Samples of the eBook Cover Templates
Even a NOOB Can Make in 5 Minutes!

These Are a TINY Sample of the Hundreds of Super Easy to Use Templates Included…

Remember…I’ve been doing this at home myself, and have worked out WHAT SELLS! So there’s no guesswork for you….AT ALL!
Still More Examples of What You Get Today…

Graphics handed to you on a silver platter. Graphics at your disposal to do what you want with, plus templates…whether you want to use them for your own business, or sell them to others, thus creating a brand new income stream. With Graphics Supremacy, the possibilities are endless. Forget about hiring expensive graphic designers from now on…that all ends with Graphics Supremacy. Kudos to Eric Hammer on a job well done. A+++
Eric, my only complaint is that you are charging too little for this. Wow. I’ve seen lots of graphics packages for sale in the past but I have never seen one that includes training for newbies on how to customize them with free software. Add in the underground marketplaces you uncovered and wow, just wow. Well done Eric!
Check Out Our Incredible Bonuses Here:

Done for You Website Value: $997
Even though we included a list of a dozen websites where you can sell online, the best way to do this is with your own website.
That’s why we created one — you’ll be able to set up a brand new site and use it to sell your services to hungry customers!

Buttons, Doodles and More
Value: $297
Let’s face it — if you want to build a successful graphics empire, it’s not enough to have logo templates and eBook covers available.
You need to be able to add all those little extras like doodles, hand drawn arrows and other badges to name a few. This mega pack includes everything you need for true graphics supremacy!

Motivational Posters
Value: $197
How about some cool motivational posters also?
You can print these out as giant posters, edit them or do whatever you like with them in order to further build your business. Heck, you could even give away a few of the dozens of posters in this collection as a free gift for trying your services.

VALUE: $297
Know where your customers are?
They’re on social media! If you want to build a relationship with them, you need to be too!
Our expert will show you how to build a solid relationship with your customers across all the major social media platforms!

VALUE: $297
You know what separates the truly successful from those who merely wish they were successful? Outsourcing!
When you learn to offload your work on to others who will do it for you while you rake in the profits, that’s when you truly begin to see massive results!
Use this bonus to explode your business and live a life of real freedom!

The Traffic Multiplier Value: $297
Look, you can have the best offers and the best mockups and even a professional WordPress theme.
But if you don’t also have traffic coming to your site, then it won’t matter. The good news is, We’ve done the research and found you all the best ways to generate massive amounts of traffic. The best part? All these methods are free!

Better Than 100% Money Back Guarantee! You Keep the Bonuses!
If you are not 100% AMAZED and Totally Stoked, if you are just a little bit under-whelmed, if for any reason whatsoever you feel like you aren’t completely loving it, just email me within the first 30 days, letting me know what the issue is. If I can’t help you, I’ll give you back every penny!
In fact, if you don’t love this course and done for you package, let me know what the issue is and if I can’t help you, I DON’T WANT YOUR MONEY! Not only that, but I will even let you keep the bonuses!
A $2,382 Value! Just download them and keep them as my gift to you just for trying my product. No hassle. Send an email to support, let me know what the issue is and if I can’t help you, I’ll issue a full refund. This is my personal guarantee to you.